When it comes to content marketing for your healthcare organization, one of the biggest challenges you face is where to put your marketing dollars.

You already know that operating as a publisher and creating content on a consistent basis is necessary for lead generation, engagement and driving sales.

But if you’re having trouble selling your c-suite on the value of content marketing, it can be tough to decide what types of content you should create now.

In fact, 28 percent of healthcare marketers are in the same boat as you. According to True North Custom’s State of Healthcare Content Marketing report, although they don’t have a content marketing strategy in place, they plan to create one this year.

As you work on your own content marketing strategy, here are 5 types of content you should include.

1. Blog posts

If you do nothing else, your company’s blog should be where you put your effort. Posting new content at least two to three times a week helps SEO, keeps your leads engaged and builds your credibility.

However, you should never post just for the sake of posting. Every blog post you create should inform, engage and tell a story.

Always write blog posts with your buyer personas in mind, and make sure they’re relevant and timely and include new research and data.

Every piece of content you write should be valuable: answer your prospects’ most burning questions and give them solutions to the things that keep them up on night.

2. Video

According to a recent report by the Content Marketing Institute, 79 percent of B2B marketers use video marketing as part of their overall strategy and this year, more marketers will jump on the bandwagon.

In fact, consumer internet video traffic will account for 80 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2019, a report by Cisco found.

When producing videos, make sure they draw your leads in and hold their attention to the very last second.

Some ideas you might try are stories about patients who have healed from a chronic, often misdiagnosed condition, interactive personalized videos for various demographics, or how-to guides you can use for member onboarding.

3. Infographics

When they’re done well, infographics not only make complicated data more accessible and appealing to your leads, but they give your customers insight into relevant, timely information they crave.

Create infographics to explain new research, surveys you’ve conducted or problems your customers face. Like all types of content, infographics must tell a story, be visually appealing and shareable.

4. Case studies

You should always have testimonials on your site from happy customers, but case studies are what close the deal.

You can waste your breathe talking about features and benefits all day long but case studies validate the extraordinary results your customers have achieved in a compelling, interesting way.

Case studies are also a versatile tool and can be used for sales meetings, email marketing campaigns, repurposed as a blog or a series of blogs, pitched to the media and so much more.

5. White papers

A white paper is one of the most effective lead generation tools for B2B companies.

A strong white paper tells a compelling story, gives your potential clients information and problem-solving solutions and persuades them to take action.

A white paper is also a versatile marketing tool that can be used for email campaigns, direct mail, trade shows and social media.