As a health care marketer,  you’re constantly trying to prioritize which tactics will be give you the best ROI.

If your marketing team is small or already stretched thin, it’s easy to forget about the bigger picture and make mistakes that can hurt your bottom line.

Here are 6 mistakes you might be making and how to solve them.

1. A lack of c-suite buy-in

One of the biggest challenges health care marketers face is getting c-suite buy-in for content marketing. Particularly in hospitals or large health care systems where content marketing is a new idea, it can be a hard sell.

One of the best ways to get your c-level executives on board is to build a business case for it. 

Show them that one-way marketing, regardless of industry, is no longer effective and creating relevant, timely stories is vital for lead generation, acquisition and retention.

Another way to get c-suite buy-in is to show them examples of how their competitors have used content marketing to generate revenue.

2. No content marketing strategy

 According to a 2016 report by the Content Marketing Institute, only 32 percent of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy even though 85 percent cite lead generation as their most important goal.

Just as you have a marketing plan, your team must develop a content marketing strategy if you want to get c-suite buy in, get your allocated budget for content marketing approved and ultimately follow through on your goal to drive sales.

3. No buyer personas


You may understand who your customers are, but without documented buyer personas, no one on your team will be able to create content that truly speaks to your audience.

Buyer personas should include demographics, identifiers, goals, challenges and pain points, and how your company helps solve their problems.

You should also take the time to conduct interviews with your customers so you can compile quotes and understand what they need from you. 

4. Not giving the media what they need

If you want to get media coverage, make it easy for the media to find you. Make sure your website and press releases include the name of the person or people who handle public relations or marketing and make sure those people include their titles on their LinkedIn and Twitter profiles.

5. Social media is subpar

According to a report by Expio, 41 percent of patients use social media to choose a specific hospital or medical facility.

Yet social media for lead generation is still one of the areas where many health care organizations lag behind.

Be sure to share relevant and timely health care content and make it a point to engage with your followers.

6. You hire any freelance health care writer 

If you don’t have a team of writers, or a colleague who only handles content marketing, content creation can be challenging.

When you search for a freelance health care writer, make sure you hire someone who writes for the health care industry, understands your business and can take all of your great ideas and make them work for you.